Just when the dumba$$ website Steve Spurrier Is God thought they were riding high and fly, the Ole Ball Sack dropped a big stinky at home against Vanderbilt this past weekend. Seriously, Erin Andrews could have worn a wet "Go Cocks" t-shirt and called a better game offensively than Spurrier did. That's probably why they posted this blog yesterday - Link.
We've never had any beef with Spurrier before and we totally agree with him that no "booing" should ever take place at a college football game. In fact, of the 2 1/2 years Spurrier has been at USC, this may be his first game he's had no business losing (unless you consider the bowl loss to Missouri in 05' a failure). No, no, no .... we don't hate Spurrier at all, and we almost feel bad that the chicken curse killed the only sign of hope that gamecock fans had of making it to the SEC Championship game. Their run lasted for a while but finally came to an end. This is nothing new to gamecock fans though. You have all watched your alma mater win some and lose some, and you've all drank after a win and drank after a loss. Hell, if your a Carolina fan, and unless your name is this guy, you've all attended USC for college before, right?
Anyone remember hearing the chant "fire Bowden" at the 45-17 loss to Wake in 2003, or was that at the Duke loss in 2004?
anyone remember back in the early 90s when the gamecocks lost to the citadel at williams brice stadium? anyone remember wofford just about whipping the gamecocks in williams brice stadium ..... a year ago?
that's not nice
anyone remember the loss by USC to unranked Vanderbilt? :-)
Even gods make mistakes. Just look at cancer, tigernet and Flava Flave.
I did go to school at USC and if you could do it over again I think you would to. =)
where are your stupid spirit fingers at now?
That was your best swipe at the GCocks? All you could bring up was a loss from 17 years ago and a win from last year?
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